Hi there, I’m Brad Bergeron! I was born and raised in the great state of Connecticut, and still, pronounce it “Connect-I-Cut” when spelling the name. After graduating from Syracuse University (Go Orange!), I headed out into the real world. I’ve since traded in my corporate life for a role as a stay-at-home dad to my twin boys, and now call the mountains of Western North Carolina my home. But don’t let the mountains fool you, I’m still a beach bum at heart!

When I’m not navigating the school pickup lane, or playing referee, you can find me exploring new lands and trying new foods as an avid traveler. I’ve also got a passion for cooking, and there’s nothing better than ending a delicious meal with a slice of my favorite dessert, Key Lime Pie. And I mean any meal…like, even breakfast.
I’ve got the guilty pleasure of browsing luxury real estate sites and daydreaming about what I would do differently with each house. And when I’m not daydreaming, I’m hitting the ski slopes, or indulging in my expensive obsession with adventure gear purchases. I’m always up for a good road trip, especially if I’m behind the wheel, and I love a good challenge. My nerf rifle skills? Let’s just say, I’m a sniper to be reckoned with!

Starting House Hunk was just supposed to be a fun hobby for me, but it turned into something way more. In a world full of “mommy bloggers”, I like to think of myself as the quirky oddball. I love breaking the mold and showing that full-time parenting can be done while challenging gender norms. Stay-at-home dads seem to be seldom seen, and even more rarely heard. So, for all the stay-at-home parents, househusbands, and House Hunks out there, I see you, and I hear you!
So there you have it, a little bit about me. Hope you enjoyed getting to know me!